Dime Sheppard is a writer and former barista, waitress, Spanish teacher, vineyard labourer, bilingual interpreter, marketing manager and production assistant (among other things). She has lived in Scotland, New Zealand and Argentina, has a degree in English literature, and also spent seven years working for an NGO, mostly in South America. This means she has diverse skills: she can string a sentence together, and she can also pee in the desert while fending off a baby goat, cook a delicious meal for thirty people with little more than potatoes and oregano, dig a bogged truck out of metre-deep mud with a broken teacup, and shower in cold water in the dead of winter without a murmur.*
She currently resides in Australia, the land of perfect beach days. She loves reading, swimming, and action movies. She’s pretty convinced she will one day achieve a press handstand, and believes in the Curly Girl Method. She loves to laugh and never squashes spiders unless they’re venomous.
* Okay fine. There was murmuring.